Thematic experts

Each research area benefits from the contribution of an expert whose role is to support the ONA team in the engagement and mobilization of researchers in the research community for the success of the ONA and its influence. 

These thematic experts have been recommended or selected for their proven research skills in their respective areas of expertise, for their independence and integrity in research, and for their knowledge of the research community.

They are each recognized for their ability to mobilize the scientific community and to create a co-constructive and innovative dynamic. In order to facilitate this mobilization of the scientific community, each axis of research will benefit from the contribution of a thematic expert who will help the NAO team in the engagement and mobilization of researchers from the community scientific for the success of the Observatory and its influence.

The ONA scientific community is structured around four areas of research:

► Axis 1: Impacts on health of the presence of asbestos and asbestos mine tailings in the environment;

► Axis 2: Environmental emissions and dispersion;

► Axis 3: Management and recovery practices of asbestos mine tailings;

► Axis 4: Development of communities

These thematic experts may participate in calls for projects which are funded by the ONA but will not take part in the evaluation, prioritization, or funding decisions of research projects.





Grégory Hersant

Chemistry Professor – Cégep de Ste-Foy



Gabriel Lévesque

Doctoral student in sociology – McGill University

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Émilie Gaudreau Lavoie

Researcher in regional studies at ÉCOBES - Responsible for research and transfer – Cégep de Jonquière