Government-regions-business Consultation Table: NAO presents the progress of its work

by | Nov 9, 2023 | General

As part of the Action Plan 2022-2025 – “Asbestos and asbestos mining residues in Quebec: towards the transformation of a liability into a sustainable asset”) , the government-regions-business consultation table was set up in 2022 to ensure monitoring and success. Coordinated by the MELCCFP, this Table brings together representatives of the ministries and stakeholders involved in the Action Plan.

On November 9, 2023, the fourth meeting of the Table was held in Val-des-Sources. The NAO team was invited to participate.

During this meeting, the Director General of the NAO, Mrs. Annie Rochette, presented the progress of the Observatory's work, in particular the scientific programming of the Observatory as well as a brief description of the various projects initiated.

The representatives of the various stakeholders welcomed what was presented.