Colloque TAARMAQ 2024

Together, let’s shape the future of asbestos regions

The National Asbestos Observatory held its first TAARMAQ conference

(Supported and acceptable transition of asbestos mining residues in Quebec)

TheNational Asbestos Observatory (ONA) invited the scientific community to its first conference on the theme of the future of asbestos regions as part of the Supported and Acceptable Transition for Asbestos Mining Residues in Quebec (TAARMAQ) program on March 27 and 28, 2024.

The objectives of this first conference were:

  • to make NAO known as a place of reference and knowledge sharing;
  • to encourage the sharing of issues and knowledge, with the aim of establishing the bases of dialogue between stakeholders which will make it possible to co-construct the future of asbestos regions.

This conference brought together scientists working in the Observatory's different research areas: health, environment, public policies and community development, as well as a wide diversity of stakeholders involved in or affected by the valorization of asbestos mining residues. around the 4 main research axes of the ONA:

  • Health impacts of the presence of asbestos mining residues
  • Environmental Emissions and Dispersion
  • Practices relating to the management and recovery of asbestos mining residues
  • Development of communities in asbestos regions


Organizing committee

Emmanuelle Bouchard-Bastien

Émilie Gaudreau-Lavoie
ÉCOBES – Cégep de Jonquière

Grégory Hersant
Cégep de Ste-Foy

Yona Jébrak
Université du Québec à Montréal

Louis Laferrière

Sylvie Lessard

Marie-Claude Letellier

Gabriel Lévesque
Université de McGill

Louis-César Pasquier

Annie Rochette


Discussion tables allowed participants to discuss various issues surrounding community development of the asbestos regions . Three subjects, linked to the ONA's research areas, were explored: health, public policies and the environment. Following this activity, a visual synthesis of the three workshops was produced by Mylène Choquette, professional illustrator, in order to illustrate the impact and strength of the initiative. The artist, present during the conference, also created a fresco in real time, summarizing the event well.
