TAARMAQ program: extension of the pre-application period until February 15, 2024

by | Jan 23, 2024 | General

As announced on January 18 by our partner, the FRQS (Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé), the date of submission of the pre-application for the TAARMAQ program (Supported and Acceptable Transition for Asbestos Mining Residues in Quebec) is postponed until 15 février 2024.

The networking activity, an activity intended for researchers who have submitted a pre-application, is therefore also postponed and will take place on the sidelines of the first conference organized by the NAO, on March 27, 2024.

For further information regarding this announcement and the TAARMAQ program, we invite you to consult the following link: https://com.frq.gouv.qc.ca/T/OFSYS/SM3/364/2/S/F/5719/6310788/ZWsPfwEk.html