The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), in partnership with the National Asbestos Observatory (NAO), invite the scientific community to mobilize in order to respond soon to the first call for proposals for the new program TAARMAQ: Supported and Acceptable Transition for Asbestos Mining Waste in Quebec.
This program relies on intersectoral networks between the numerous areas covered by the FRQ to meet the challenge of transforming the mining liability linked to the exploitation of asbestos in Quebec into a sustainable asset. It also focuses on inter-order networking, that is to say the creation of teams made up of researchers from both college and university environments, and even other environments.
The main objective of this program, from a perspective of sustainable development and health, is to advance knowledge on the health of communities and individuals linked to the valorization of asbestos mining residues (AMR).
Projects must fall within at least two of the following themes:
Theme 1: Presence of asbestos fibers and RMA in the environment asbestos regions
Theme 2: Physical health – Impacts and risks associated with the presence of asbestos and the mobilization or recovery of RMA
Theme 3: Psychological or mental health – Impacts and risks associated with the natural presence of asbestos and the mobilization or recovery of RMA
Theme 4: Disease prevention and health protection in a context of mobilization or valorization of RMAs
Theme 5: Public policies, laws and regulatory frameworks concerning health and associated with asbestos and RMA
Important information
- Total amount per project: Maximum of $325,000 (including FIRs)
- Duration of financing: Maximum of 3 years
- Team composition : The teams must be composed of at least two person meeting the status of college researcher or university researcher, clinical university researcher as defined in the Common general rules
- The specific conditions of the competition will be presented in the call for proposals.
Dates to remember
• Putting calls for proposals online: November 27, 2023
• Deadline (pre-request): January 25, 2024
• Networking activity: February 15, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
• Deadline (request): April 25, 2024
Sandy Lalonde
Program manager
Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé
Téléphone : 514-873-2114, ext.: 4250