


To be a reference center for knowledge on the presence of asbestos and AMT in the environment and their impacts on health as well as on the development of communities

By carrying out a comprehensive, accurate, and continuous inventory of information related to the mandate of the NAO and considering the past and current contexts in Quebec and elsewhere

  • Identify existing evidence and knowledge
  • Measure and document the presence of asbestos in the environment
  • Provide a portrait of the health of populations
  • Identify current risk management practices



Consolidate knowledge and evidence relating to the health, social and environmental impacts of the mobilization and valorization of asbestos mining residues, from a sustainable development perspective

By evaluating existing data and knowledge and developing new ones:

  • Carry out and support sectoral or intersectoral research projects
  • Analyze data in order to anticipate the future impacts of the mobilization and valorization of RMAs
  • Analyze current practices in order to improve them
  • Recommend best practices for mobilizing and promoting RMAs based on evidence



Inform and enlighten decision-makers at all levels as well as society's stakeholders concerned by the mobilization and valorization of asbestos mining residues

By facilitating access to research data and scientific knowledge and promoting their appropriation by the various stakeholders. More specifically in:

  • Disseminating and popularizing knowledge in order to make it available to the population and the communities concerned
  • Supporting and informing individuals, populations and communities and creating guides and intervention tools
  • Supporting decision-making to improve risk management and prevention practices



Develop learning communities around the mobilization and valorization of asbestos mining residues

By mobilizing stakeholders in society towards common objectives of sustainable development of communities in regions that formerly exploited asbestos mines. More specifically in:

  • Involving the different circles concerned and the scientific community in a collective and participatory process of searching for solutions
  • Promoting dialogue and consultation between stakeholders in order to strengthen the capacity to act of communities
  • Developing an inclusive, multidisciplinary and intersectoral research environment in order to contribute to the training of the next generation of researchers